Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Matching Wands

Match the wand with the owner.

Vine wood and Dragon Heartstring i. Hermione Granger

Walnut and Dragon Heartstring k. Belatrix Lestrange

Hawthorn and Unicorn tail hair m. Draco Malfoy

Hornbeam and Dragon Heartstring d. Viktor Krum

Ash and Unicorn hair g. Cedric Diggory

Rosewood and Veela Hair l. Fleur Delacour

Elder and Thestral Hair b. Albus Dumbledore

Mahogany and an unknown core j. James Potter

Elm and Dragon Heartstring e. Lucius Malfoy

Cherry and Unicorn hair c. Mary Cattermole

Yew and Phoenix Feather h. Tom Riddle

Holly and Phoenix Feather f. Harry Potter

Willow and Unicorn Hair a. Ron Weasley

So thankful for wikis. I didn't know many of these without the help of a wiki!

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